Wednesday, January 14, 2009

George W. Bush is No More.

No other political figure in the history of US, or any other country for that matter, had (and will continue to be for many years to come) been subjected to such scrutiny and belittlement as the now infamous President George W. Bush. Just yesterday, Bush gave the last press conference of his tenure. Sources say, he is in fact pretty content with his work in Washington, D.C, and his swift and sound judgements over the 8 years is reflected in that the United States of America has not experienced another terrorist attack since 9/11. Putting aside the fact that thousands of innocent civilians and soldiers have died in the name of defending freedom (AND capitalism), and while we are at it, we should also try to conveniently forget the invasion of Iraq on baseless claims of Iraq harbouring weapons of mass destruction. If we can do all this (and maybe more), then maybe, just maybe, we can see where Bush is coming from. To be honest, Bush and his foreign policies are pretty much...well....'foreign' to me. I'm not going to pretend to know anything more than this, or I may run the risk of pulling a Bush myself...errgh. But at any cost, we can still rent Fahrenheit 9/11 whenever we need our dose of Bush bashing.

The 44th President of the United States of America is waiting to take over the throne next week. President elect Barack Obama will be the first Black President in a country where only 13% of the population is Black. That's real accomplishment for our neighbours down south. Can you imagine Ceylon, if a Tamilian was elected President? That's what America has managed to accomplish since it's blackmark years of slavery. Is hope not far too fetched then?

Going back to our Georgie, what still boggles my mind till today is, if BUSH was such a GREAT IDIOT, how did he pull off being elected twice for office? Americans will have to answer that one day. Maybe I can google it in a few years?! Perhaps.... but until then, good riddens!

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