Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Random Thoughts to Start Again

With all the hustle and bustle of even my unregarded life, it is no easy task to keep blogging. In the last 2 weeks, without intending to, I had somehow managed to only focus on topics that was relevant to the raging war back home. And now that I have strayed,.... I don't know how to get back to what I was doing. This is the reason behind my delay in blogging for the past few days. I'm lost. My mind is lost for words. How does one blog about the plight of Tamils one day, and then continue to blog about Super Singer the next day. Will that make me a hypocrite? As much as I want to do everything, like I said before, it's not that I don't care, but my capacity to reach out is very much flawed. Would that be sufficient to become a judge of character? A lapse in compassion? I definitely hope not.

Many things go unnoticed in the background confusion of our existence. I still don't know how this war came to the forefronts of my life, but it did. It must have been the despicable comments posted by 'supposed' citizens of this world on the CBC website, and the meek conversations I must have heard at home between my parents that made me think twice about it. My blogging about anything related to the war was a mere personal outlet of guilt and helplessness. It was in no way an indicator of my partiality over other Tamils here in Canada. By some wanting on my part, I had the chance to go to 2 protests. I was awestruck by their solidarity and dedication. There were true champions among the crowds, and because of them, voices were heard. And I humbly salute them.

And on my part, I will try my best to appreciate and love all things that is good, and question those that is evil. My prayers will still continue, and with this being said I will soon find myself again.

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