Monday, May 18, 2009

A Sad Day for Tamils...

It is indeed a very sad day for Tamils everywhere. With influx of mixed reports coming in from around the world, the truth is yet to be confirmed. And whatever the 'truth' may be, it is still a very sad day for Tamils nonetheless. The sole protectors of Tamils interest have been silenced. The question still remains what will become of the Tamils in Srilanka. Though the final days of this war were imminent, little attention was given to the days post-LTTE, as the Srilankan Government's exclusive goal was to rid of LTTE, and it's leaders, namely Prabaharan, with little regard to civilian lives. These next few days, and weeks, will be crucial in relieving the gross ethnic divide the war has spurred among the Tamils and Sinhalese, both in Srilanka, and outside. All eyes will be on Mahinda Rajapaska, and the political solutions, if any, he will put forth. Then only, will we know whether the rise of the LTTE is destined....

I am speechless for the most part. Although I questioned the tactics of the protesters in raising the LTTE flags, I will never question the sacrifice, and bravery of the LTTE cadres. They were simply young Tamils, just like me and you, born to Tamil parents. Their parents had the same aspirations and hopes for them, as ours. Yet, due to unfortunate circumstance, they had to stay behind, while the rest fled. They fought for the rights of Tamils, and brought the plight of Tamils to the world stage and that can never be dismissed. And never forgotten. As they will forever be heroes and martyrs in many hearts.


Anonymous said...

It is a Sad Day Indeed. But it is also a New Beginning for The Tamils.
They have deprived our Land, not our Goals and Strength..
I would assume 2010 is the year for the Tamils. They will get what they have longing for years, Tamil Eelam an (Autonomy State).


ilavarasan said...

You have taken very wrong turn at the last minute. people chose to give up their fight for freedom. we need to come from ashes to build our nation.

now those who were critical of ltte and the flag, can come with their solution and provide Tamils.