Monday, August 30, 2010

Irandu Manam Vendum

It's that look that knots my stomach. What does it mean? I have longed for it at times, searched for it at times, and even caught it many times. Sometimes I held onto it a second too long. There was definitely something to say at that point. Yet no words were exchanged. Does it just come my way, or am I fueling my imagination. Then there was that hand shake to say farewell held too long,  a shared promise of an end to what could have been.  The fingers that slipped passed one another might have known the truth. I wondered what they didn't tell me.

Why the intense look friend? Even if I look,.... why do you look back? I know you see through me. You see my weakness. This has become a game. 2 players, a card deck and no hand to play. I may be the fool at the end who had believed his eyes ---- but that's okay, 'cause the truth is still held hostage inside the look. I might never know...... Maybe that's why you said "Don't worry, I know" .......... 

...........என்னோடு நீ வந்தால் என்ன?

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