Monday, September 28, 2009

Vintage Dreams...

It's him. It has to be. He has on the same red plaid shirt I have seen him wearing so many days. He looks the same. But older. There is a calmness about him now. He sits there all still, staring peacefully at nothing in particular with a smile that rips my heart apart. Yes, it's definitely him. I have dreamt of that smile every night for the past 10 years. It's his inviting smile that finally gives me the nudge to walk up to him. It connects us, two supposed strangers at the most strange setting. This day has finally come. I have dreamt of it over and over again. But never assumed it will happen in this life time. What is he doing here anyway?

I can see him more clearly now, and he isn't smiling anymore. His gaze meets mine. I hold it there for a second too long. Oh crap. There is no turning back now. It is him, and he knows it's me. He must. He'll surely recognize me. A thought crosses my mind....What if he ignores me. He must have moved on. He wouldn't have waited for me. I should turn back. Pretend that I didn't see him. I have lived without him for so long, I can surely endure another lifetime. I drop my gaze towards the ground and stare down the slight ripple that's' created in the puddle near my feet. I must act now. This is too weird. I have to go....

"Shal-ni...". Oh Lord. I hear his voice once again.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

live long and prosper!