Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's been A-WHILE!

One of the few things I remember from my school days is learning that 'a while'  has a space between 'a' and 'while'. It's not one word after all. It was an 'ahh-ha' moment for me. For some reason, I have always remembered that lesson from grade school. And those many times I was asked to edit some person's essay, or assignment, or letter to the Canadian Government, I'd take it upon myself to point out this very common but a mistake nonetheless to the person of interest. I'd take pride and breathe in a sense of arogance for  having caught this obvious mistake. Because this I was sure of. 'A while' is two separate words. And that's that.

Why am I telling you this? I have no idea. Just wanted to write something on my blog as it has been too long since my last entry. Why the absence you ask? 1. My change in work schedule. 2. my labtop. My laptop is officially broken. I bet you didn't know I was using a hand me down laptop till this point. I didn't mind. I don't generally have a knack for technology. Of course this is mainly influenced by the fact that I have butterfingers when it comes to handling or caring for anything remotely expensive. Again, tha's just me. Some of us are just born accident prone. It's true. Some one out there, probably an accident prone themself, has done a study to prove this very theory?! That some people are more susceptible to attract minor but frequent accidents than others. So HA! Wait....I just have to find this study now.....hmmm....

* I didn't spell check this, so please don't point out my obvious 'mistakes'. HA, you didn't think this all came naturally did you? Have a happy one!

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